Excitive quest in ancient castle Grand MazeOn
Welcome to the Vault!
If you are the first time here - you must know the rules:
- Move with Arrow Keys: "Left", "Right" - turn Left-Right; "Up" - move forward; "Down" - move back.
- To enter some Show-Room (or Box-Office, etc...) - come closer and "knock to its door" (click on it).
- To open doors, you will need keys. You may find keys (Star-Shaped Key) somewhere in rooms. When you see a Key - click on it to take it. Each door needs its own Key with "Door-Number". Door-Number is visible on the Door Lock.
- To open the door - come closer to the door and drag with your mouse the needed Key to the Lock.
- To visit some Show, you will need a Ticket. The Ticket you may buy in some of Box-Offices. Each Box-Office sells tickets only for its Show.
- In the Box-Office - "knock the door", to open (click). If you have enough money for the ticket price, pay for the Ticket via payment terminal - click on the "PAY" button.
- You have some cash in your "Bank". If it is not enough for your plans, you may win some cash from the Poker Machine - find it in our rooms.
- To enter some Girl's Show - "knock the door", to open (click). Give the appropriate ticket to the Girl.
- Usually girls have two Scenes of their Show. To watch the 2nd Scene, you will need the next ticket.
the Map is lost...